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Fostering Harmony: St. Aloysius PU College Students Build Inter-Religious Relations Ahead of Christmas on 9th December 2023.

In a commendable initiative led by Rev. Fr. Eric Mathias SJ, the Director of St. Aloysius PU College Harihar, approximately 50 second-year PUC students embarked on a unique journey.

Visiting neighboring religious leaders at the temple, mosque, and church, these students gained invaluable insights beyond their academic pursuits.

The experience proved enriching for the students, offering a firsthand understanding of diverse religious practices. Engaging in dialogues with priests from various religions, the students were wholeheartedly welcomed by the religious leaders.

In these interactions, the priests elaborated on their respective religions and customs, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Rev. Fr. Eric Mathias SJ and the students expressed genuine interest and respect for the beliefs and traditions of different religions.

This initiative played a pivotal role in fostering positive attitudes among the students, encouraging them to appreciate the rich diversity of customs in different faiths. This effort to build inter-religious relations not only contributes to a harmonious atmosphere within the college but also nurtures a broader sense of community and understanding among individuals of varied religious backgrounds.

The visit served as a remarkable step towards unity, acceptance, and appreciation of diversity at St. Aloysius PU College Harihar on December 9th, 2023.

Report by Sr. Rose James
